Vision Gland - An Austin, TX Artist Collective


In the summer of 2016, a number of Austin tinkerers, makers, and artists visited Meow Wolf and became inspired to create a similar collective in Austin, TX, where empty rooms were built for creators to fill with their imaginations, all based around a similar idea.


Proper Gander - My first project with Vision Gland

Compressed Styrofoam, conducitve fabric, makey makey, CRT Television, MaxMSP, Headphones, found footage from the Prelinger Archives.

A guest would sit in the chair sculpture, and place their head in the headphones, locking their head into position where they must watch the screens, displaying a collection of 1950s and 60s propaganda and culture films. This would close a circuit using the conductive fabric touching the ears, and a MakeyMakey interpreting the touch event. The longer a guest wears the headphones, the more distorted the audio and visuals become. As soon as they remove their head from the headphones, the audio and visuals return to normal.

finished - reception desk.jpg

The Passage

Vision Gland’s second project, was designed to be modular, transported, and quickly reassembled, after initial build, to the inside of the Austin Convention Center for Austin’s Mini Maker Faire 2017.




Temple of Unitea - Burning Man 2018